aktivita test

od | mar 7, 2023

  • 1
  • 12
  • In order use of the Google Maps JavaScript API, you must first register a valid API key. To obtain an API key, please follow Google’s Get an API Key instructions. The Google Maps field requires the following APIs; Maps JavaScript API, Geocoding API and Places API.In order use of the Google Maps JavaScript API, you must first register a valid API key. To obtain an API key, please follow Google’s Get an API Key instructions. The Google Maps field requires the following APIs; Maps JavaScript API, Geocoding API and Places API.

Mapa Google


Dátum výjazdu:
Vzdialenosť: 12 km
Čas: 1 hod.

O motorke

Typ motorky: skúter
Značka motorky: babeta

Podmienky na ceste

Materiál cesty: spevnená cesta
Povrch cesty: suchý povrch

Import z aplikácie

Link na mapu:

Custom Upload:

Display custom field:

[code_snippet id=8 php=true]

Display custom text field:

[code_snippet id=9 php=true]